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High School Courses
These courses are open to students in grades 9-12. With the exception of the math and language courses listed on the middle school curriculum page, middle school students may not take high school courses. Colleges will not recognize courses other than math and language that are taken during middle school, even if they are high school level courses. (P) indicates that the course is on the UC A-G list. A counselor will help students with course decisions. Courses with a * are exclusive to The Pleasanton Virtual Academy, and not currently offered at PUSD comprehensive schools. Students in the Pleasanton Virtual Academy are expected to meet the PUSD graduation requirements. 


Biology (P)

Chemistry (P)

Physics (P)

Earth & Space Science (P) 

Marine Science (P) *



Algebra 1 (P)

Geometry (P) / Honors Geometry (HP)

PUSD Course I & Course II

Algebra II (P) / Honors Algebra II (HP)

Pre-Calculus (P) / Honors Pre-Calculus (HP)

Statistics and Probability (P)*

Financial Math (P)*

Data Science (P)*

MultiVariable Calculus (P)


Advanced Placement

AP African American History (HP) NEW for 25-26

AP Biology (HP)

AP Calculus AB (HP)

AP Calculus BC (HP)

AP Statistics (HP)

AP English Lit & Composition (HP)

AP Language and Composition (HP)

AP Environmental Science (HP)

AP US History (HP) 

AP World History (HP)

AP Human Geography (HP)

AP Macroeconomics

AP Government

AP Capstone Diploma (TM) Program

AP Seminar (HP) 

AP Research (HP) NEW



Spanish I (P)

Spanish II (P)

Spanish III (P)

French I (P)

French II (P)

French III (P)

Korean I (P)

Korean II (P)

Korean III (P)

Korean IV (HP) NEW


Visual & Performing Arts

Art History (P)

Visual Arts (P)



Contemporary Health (P) - 1 Semester

Strategies for Academic Success *

Online Learning and Digital Citizenship *

Physical Education

Quantum Computing (P)

Creative Writing (P)

Leadership (P)

Volunteer Community Awareness

Digital Photography (P) 

Music Appreciation (P) - 1 Semester




English/Language Arts

English 9 (P)

English 10 (P)

English 11 (P)

Expository Reading and Writing (P)

Creative Writing (P)



Social Science

Modern World History (P)

US History (P)

Psychology (P) *

Civics (P) - 1 Semester

Ethnic Studies (P) - 1 Semester

Economics (P) - 1 Semester 

Sociology (P) - 1 Semester *

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